Author: lskramer
Author: lskramer
1. What do you wish your students knew about you?
Marisol Karcs, M.F.A, CWE: That I love learning languages.
Gi Jung Kim, PH.D., ALT: The fact that I’ve just started off my academic journey at ISU like them.
2. What one word would your students use to describe you?
Marisol: Understanding.
Gi Jung: Probably fashionable.
3. What’s something your students have taught you this semester?
Marisol: How to be confident in my capabilities as a teacher.
Gi Jung: The fact that there’s still much more to learn about teaching although I taught in Korea for almost 10 years.
4. What one teaching tool will we always find you with?
Marisol: Creative writing prompts to start the class.
Gi Jung: I use Google Doc a lot as a collaborative writing tool in class.
5. If you could share one sentence of advice with newer teachers, what would it be?
Marisol: Remember to take care of yourself, first and foremost.
Gi Jung: I would recommend they share their teaching and assessment practices with their colleagues.
6. What’s something you are passionate about (outside of ISUCOMM)?
Marisol: Learning languages. I am learning Spanish, French, and Yiddish.
Gi Jung: I’m passionate about exploring different kinds of food and beverages. Having a good conversation over good food and drinks is a great delight.
7. What are you excited to teach in 150/250?
Marisol: Multimodal Remix sounds like a fun unit!
Gi Jung: I am focusing on developing students’ perspectives and critical thinking skills aligning with each genre we deal with in the course.
8. What is your most frequently used emoji?
9. If you had your own late-night talk show, who would you invite as your first guest?
Marisol: George Saunders.
Gi Jung: I would invite one of my students in ENGL 150 and ask for their candid thoughts on the class.
10. If you had to sing karaoke, what song would you pick?
Gi Jung: JVKE’s “Golden Hour” – which doesn’t mean that I can sing this song well