English 314 Earns QM Certification
Author: lskramer
Author: lskramer
Quality Matters (QM) is a nationally recognized organization that certifies the design of online courses according to a number of criteria, such as organization, clarity, alignment of course goals, accessibility, and others. Similar to peer review, the process for getting a course QM certified involves two or three QM-trained instructors blind reviewing the course and scoring it based on the various criteria. The highest score that can be achieved is 100. English 314 received a score of 98, meaning that no revisions to the course had to be made. The course is now QM-certified, meeting the national standards for online course design. This certification was spearheaded by the tireless work of Katie Fulton, with assistance from Casey White.
The link below tells a little about QM in case you need more information: