Administrative | Jenny Aune, Leslie Bartlett, Jim Gilchrist, Kristin Stoner, Bethany Gray, Volker Hegelheimer (Chair), Maggie LaWare, Jo Mackiewicz, Deb Marquart, Brandon Sams, Matt Sivils | |
Faculty Development | Jo Mackiewicz (Chair), Justin Remes (23-25) | |
Graduate Studies | Bethany Gray (DOGE), Tina Coffelt (Associate DOGE), KL Cook (CWE), Jeremy Withers (LIT), Craig Rood (RPC), Gary Ockey (AL), Mahdi Duris (AL student rep), Christal Campa (CWE student rep), Faith Ennis (LIT student rep), Fatemeh Denghanian (RPC student rep) | |
Undergraduate Studies | Brandon Sams (Chair), Linda Shenk, Abby Dubisar, Sinem Sonsaat Hegelheimer | |
Tenure Track Review Committee | Abram Anders (Chair)(23-25), Tina Coffelt (24-26), Kenny Cook (24-26), Bethany Gray (24-26), Justin Remes (23-25) | |
Term Faculty Review Committee | Casey White (Chair), Sarah Davis (23-25), Brenna Dixon (23-25), Maggie LaWare (24-26), Stoyan Tchaprazov (23-25), Stacy Tye-Williams (23-25) | |
LAS Faculty Assembly Representative | Natalie Meyer | |
Area Coordinators | Gary Ockey, Evgeny Chukharev (ALT); Kenny Cook, Deb Marquart (CWE); Rochelle Zuck, Jeremy Withers (Literature); Craig Rood (RPC) | |
Awards Nomination Work Group (Fall Only) | Stoyan Tchaprazov (chair), Jo Mackiewicz (ex officio), Jayme Wilken, Jennifer Knox, Charlie Kostelnick, Gulbahar Beckett |
ESL | Angela Hakim | |
Hogrefe Fellowship Committee | Mary Howard, Mike Krapfl, Debra Marquart, Charlie Kostelnick | |
LAS Recruitment Point Person | Elizabeth D. Zimmerman | |
Library Coordinator | Open | |
NCTE Advisor | Brandon Sams | |
STC Advisor | Gloria Betcher | |
English Club Advisor | Open |
Curriculum Committee (6 yr term) | Jenny Aune (18-24), Amy Slagell |
Faculty Awards Committee (3 yr term) | Stacy Tye-Williams (22-25) |
Faculty Development (3 yr term) | Elena Cotos (22-25) |
Faculty Promotion and Tenure Review Committee | Matthew Sivils (22-25) |
Honors Committee (3 yr term) | Charissa Menefee |
LAS Committee on the Advancement of Student Technology for Learning Enhancement – LASCASTLE (3 yr term) | Jayme Wilken (22-25) |
LAS Curriculum Committee | Nicole Salo |
Outcomes Committee | Sarah Davis, Amy Slagell |
ADVANCE Department Enhancement Program | Maggie LaWare |
Archives of Women’s Political Communication Advisory Board | Abby Dubisar |
Arts and Humanities Graduate Council | |
Arts and Humanities, Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies Program | |
Catt Prize for Research on Women and Politics Committee | |
CELT Advisory Board | |
Classical Studies Program Committee | Charles Kostelnick |
Distinguished Professor Awards Committee | Carol Chapelle |
Educator Preparation Coordinating Council | |
English Proficiency and Evaluation Committee | Gulbahar Beckett and Elena Cotos |
Faculty Senate | Kenny Cook (Dept. Representative) & Abby Dubisar (at-large) |
George Washington Carver Faculty Council | Manisha Sharma |
Graduate and Professional Student Senate | Wren Bouwman (PhD ALT) and MacKenzie Novotny (PhD ALT) |
Graduate Council | Debra Marquart |
Humanities Iowa Board | Charissa Menefee |
NTE Taskforce | Jenny Aune |
Society for Technical Communication (Advisor to Student Chapter) | Charles Kostelnick |
University Committee on Lectures | |
University Committee on Women | Maggie LaWare (Chair) |
University Teacher Education Assessment Committee | |
WMC Advisory Board | Jo Mackiewicz |
Women’s Political Communication Advisory Board |