A minor offers a gateway to enriched communication skills, critical thinking, and cultural understanding. By honing your abilities, you can cultivate your capacity for both expression and analysis. A minor in English, linguistics, speech communication, teaching English as a second language (TESL), technical communication, or world film studies complements a wide variety of majors. A minor will equip you with success across various academic disciplines and professional careers. Check with your advisor to create a plan that works best for you.

The English minor can give you a sampling of course offerings in English studies. You may tailor the minor to your own preferences. For example, you could concentrate in literature, focusing perhaps on British or American literature, contemporary literature and culture, or women’s literature. You could concentrate in rhetorical studies, focusing on academic writing, oral communication, or technical communication. You could concentrate in linguistics, with courses ranging from syntax to Old English. You could concentrate on creative writing, taking workshops in various genres. Or you could sample courses across the broad range of English studies, from film to writing for the web. While a minor does not entail the in-depth study and training of the English major, it offers the opportunity to pursue your interests and to develop your reading and writing skills.


The minor in English prepares students in any discipline for which communication activities are needed to succeed in their professions. English minors will complete 15 credits in English courses beyond ENGL 1500 and ENGL 2500 with a grade of C (not C-) or higher. Of these 15 credits, 9 credits will be at the 3000 or 4000 levels, and 12 credits must be taken at Iowa State.

Up to 6 of the credits taken for the minor may be used to meet other degree program requirements.

If you’re interested in adding the communication skills and knowledge you’ll need to be a leader in your field, consider adding a Speech Communication minor to your major coursework.  The Speech Communication minor is for students who are curious about communication, persuasion, and rhetoric. In this minor, you will develop communication skills as a speaker, listener, reader, and writer while learning how to analyze and assess the messages you encounter in daily life. In our small classroom settings, faculty get to know you, and you get to know your peers. Although you will prepare and deliver at least one presentation in most classes, the majority of time is devoted to working in small groups or as a class to discuss readings, untangle theories, and analyze real-world examples.  Our minor also works well to add an oral communication emphasis to other communication majors, such as Communication Studies, Journalism and Mass Communication, and Technical Communication.


There is one required course: SPCM 2120: Fundamentals of Public Speaking.
In addition, you will take at least five Speech Communication courses, at least three of which will be at the 3000+ level. Note: No credits in 2900, 4900, 4990, and 5900 may apply toward the minor. See below for some specific course suggestions.

To sign up, schedule a meeting with our great advisor, Samantha Robinson-Adams (slr@iastate.edu).

Pathways through the minor

These sets of course options are intended to give you some ideas of ways a speech minor can prepare you for your future. Consider trying one—or blazing your own trail! Expand a pathway for more information and sample courses.


You’ll learn concepts for examining various forms of communication, including propaganda, speeches, websites, music videos, comic books, and more.

  • SPCM 3100: Rhetorical Analysis
  • SPCM 2750: Analysis of Popular Culture Texts

Culture, politics, and power

Explore communication in various sociopolitical contexts.

  • SPCM 3230: Gender and Communication
  • SPCM 4180: Seminar in Rhetoric and Writing

History and theory

Examine communication from historical and theoretical perspectives.

  • SPCM 2160: America Speaks: Great Speakers and Speeches in US History
  • SPCM 3500: Rhetorical Traditions: Histories and Theories of Rhetoric

Leadership and professions

  • SPCM 1100: Listening
  • SPCM 2160: Great Speakers & Speeches
  • SPCM 3120: Business & Professional Speaking
  • SPCM 3230: Gender & Communication
  • ENGL/SPCM 3100: Rhetorical Analysis or SPCM 416: History of American Public Address


Develop your ability to communicate effectively through a variety of modes (written, oral, visual, and electronic) and for a wide range of contexts.

  • SPCM 1100: Listening
  • SPCM 2120: Fundamentals of Public Speaking
  • SPCM 3120: Business and Professional Speaking

Law and criminal justice

  • COMST 3270:  Persuasion and Social Influence
  • ENGL/SPCM 3100: Rhetorical Analysis
  • SPCM 4170:  Campaign Rhetoric

Classics and history

  • SPCM 2160: Great Speakers & Speeches
  • SPCM 3500:  Rhetorical Traditions
  • SPCM 4040: Special Topics Seminar
  • ENGL/SPCM 3100: Rhetorical Analysis

Diversity and change

  • SPCM 1100: Listening
  • SPCM 2160: Great Speakers & Speeches
  • COMST 3270: Persuasion and Social Influence
  • SPCM 3230: Gender & Communication

The technical communication minor can help you develop basic skills in rhetorical analysis, textual editing, composing and collaborating in digital environments, and multimedia design and production that will help you to work as a technical communicator. The minor also provides essential communication skills for majors in business, technical, and scientific fields and complements majors in other communication fields.


Students may earn a minor in Technical Communication by enrolling in 15 credits distributed as follows:

  • Three credits in ENGL 3140 Technical Communication

Twelve credits in Technical Communication chosen from these three-credit courses:

  • ENGL 3020: Business Communication
  • ENGL 3090: Report and Proposal Writing
  • ENGL 3100: Rhetorical Analysis
  • ENGL 3120: Biological Communication
  • ENGL 3130: Rhetorical Website Design
  • ENGL 3320: Visual Communication of Quantitative Information
  • ENGL 3500: Rhetorical Traditions

With appropriate prerequisites, students may also register for the following courses:

  • ENGL 4110: Technology, Rhetoric, and Professional Communication
  • ENGL 4150: Business and Technical Editing
  • ENGL 4160: Visual Aspects of Business and Technical Communication
  • ENGL 4180: Seminar in Argumentation
  • ENGL 4770: Seminar in Technical Communication
  • ENGL 5290: Multimedia Content Management
  • ENGL 5420: Production Processes for Technical Documents
  • ENGL 5490: Multimedia Design in Professional Communication

*Up to 6 of the 15 credits taken for the minor may be used to meet other degree program requirements.
Note: Students should check the ISU catalog to be sure they meet prerequisites if they intend to register for 4000+ courses.

A Minor in TESL provides concentrated coursework that prepares you to teach English to nonnative speakers of English, either in community programs in the United States or in overseas locations. Become global citizens through interacting with and teaching those who come to the United States from around the world and gain skills that allow you to live and work in other countries. Students from any program may complete the minor without further studies in linguistics.


Students may earn a minor in TESL by completing 15 credits distributed as follows:

Introduction to Linguistics (required)

  • ENGL 2190/LING 2190: Introduction to Linguistic

Linguistic Structure (select one)

  • ENGL 2200/LING 2200 Descriptive English Grammar
  • ENGL 3200/LING 3200 Topics in Linguistic Structure
  • ENGL 3710/LING 3710 Phonetics and Phonology
  • ENGL 4370/LING 4370 Grammatical Analysis

Language in Use (select one)

  • ENGL 3220/LING 3220: Language and Society
  • ENGL 3190/LING3190: Studies in Language and Diversity

Language Teaching (select one)

  • ENGL 3180/LING 3180: Introduction to ESL Methods and Materials
  • ENGL 3240/LING 3240: Introduction to Teaching ESL Literacy
  • ENGL 3250/LING 3250: Teaching Methods for ESL Learners: Oral Communications Skills

Language Learning (required)

  • ENGL 4250/LING 4250: Second Language Learning and Teaching

In partnership with the Department of World Languages and Cultures, the Department of English participates in the cross-disciplinary World Film Studies minor. This minor involves coursework in the history, theory, and aesthetics of cinemas of the non–English-speaking world. A student seeking an undergraduate minor in World Film Studies must successfully complete a minimum of 15 credits, which must include WFS 2780 Introduction to Global Film or ENGL 2370 Survey of Film History and 12 credits selected from the following list of electives. Of these, at least 6 credits must be from courses taught in the Department of World Languages and Cultures. The minor must include at least 9 credits that are not used to meet any other department, college, or university requirement.


Courses taught in WLC (at least 6 credits)

  • CHIN 3780: Chinese Film and Society
  • FRNCH 3260: Studies in French or Francophone Film
  • FRNCH 3780: French and/or Francophone Film Studies in English
  • GER 3780: German Film and Media Studies
  • RUS 3780: Russian Film Studies in English
  • SPAN 3260: Studies in Hispanic Art or Film
  • SPAN 3780: Hispanic Film Studies in English

Courses outside of WLC (up to 6 credits)

  • ENGL 3150: Creative Writing: Screenplays 3
  • ENGL 3350: Studies in Film 3
  • ENGL 4500: Seminar in Literary Genres 3
  • JLMC 3070: Digital Video Production 3
  • AMIN 2050: American Indians in the Movies

Curricular note: No more than 6 credits of each repeatable course (FRNCH 3260 and FRNCH 3780) may be applied to the minor. Both WLC 2780 and ENGL 2370 (6 credits max) may count toward the minor.