Author: lskramer

CATEGORIES: Department News

Jennifer Knox & Emma Murray have been awarded American Rescue Plan Grants through the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs.

“From Council Bluffs to Davenport and Mason City to Centerville, the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs today announced it is awarding more than $1.5 million in grants for the return of the state’s arts, culture, history and creative sector by supporting arts and cultural jobs and programming in the humanities. In total, 236 individuals and … Continue reading Jennifer Knox & Emma Murray have been awarded American Rescue Plan Grants through the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs.

Anne Kretsinger-Harries, Katie Fulton, and Claire Kruesel earn QM Certification for Speech Communication 212

Quality Matters (QM) is a national, faculty-centered, peer-review process for assessing and improving the quality of online courses.  QM-certified courses have strong learning outcomes, a navigable online environment, a clear plan for instructor presence and communication, and effective alignment of course goals, assignments, and instructional materials.  Speech Communication 212 (Fundamentals of Public Speaking) received a … Continue reading Anne Kretsinger-Harries, Katie Fulton, and Claire Kruesel earn QM Certification for Speech Communication 212

CATEGORIES: Department News

The library’s quest to fill gaps and perspectives in Iowa State’s history

For more than 50 years, the University Library has collected thousands of materials from students, faculty and staff. Scrapbooks, photographs, meeting minutes and stories give us a glimpse into our history as Cyclones. Still, this storied past paints an incomplete picture. Through initiatives such as Tracing Race at Iowa State and collection expansion efforts, the … Continue reading The library’s quest to fill gaps and perspectives in Iowa State’s history

Grad Student Wellness Day

English Dept. graduate students are invited to participate in Grad Student Wellness Day, Wednesday, November 10th, 9am-4pm (drop-in) in Ross 212. There will be various wellness activities from art therapy, aroma therapy, mind puzzles, journaling, and much more! A guided relaxation session will occur from 1-2pm. Tea, cocoa, and cookies will also be provided. Feel … Continue reading Grad Student Wellness Day

November 10, 2021, 9:00am-4:00pm | Ross 212

Rachel Mans McKenny’s, (MA English), novel “The Butterfly Effect” has been chosen as the adult selection for the 2022 All Iowa Reads program.

Rachel Mans McKenny’s, (MA English), novel “The Butterfly Effect” has been chosen as the adult selection for the 2022 All Iowa Reads program. From the Iowa Center for the Book website — “Established in 2003, the All Iowa Reads program is one of the first projects to be provided by the Iowa Center for the … Continue reading Rachel Mans McKenny’s, (MA English), novel “The Butterfly Effect” has been chosen as the adult selection for the 2022 All Iowa Reads program.

Moo Cow Book Launch Jamboree

ISU-based environmental journal, Flyway: Journal of Writing & Environment, to launch magical illustrated book about a flying cow for readers of all ages at Ames Public Library on November 7. In March of 2020, the editorial staff of Flyway: Journal of Writing & Environment met in Ross Hall on the ISU campus to discuss the … Continue reading Moo Cow Book Launch Jamboree

November 7, 2021, 2:00-3:00pm | Ames Public Library, 515 Douglas Ave, Ames, IA
CATEGORIES: ALT, Department Events

ALT Brown Bag for December

“A Systemic Functional Linguistic Analysis of Governor Press Conferences Related To Covid-19: An Appraisal Approach” by Denise Coberly and also a panel on language learning by Andrea Flinn, Kate Challis, and Connie Kim.

December 3, 2021, 12:00pm
CATEGORIES: ALT, Department Events

ALT Brown Bag for November

“Midlevel matters: Advice for 3rd year and beyond”  A panel by Leyla Karatay, Reza Neiriznaghadehi, Shireen Baghestani, and Hardi Prasetyo.

November 5, 2021, 12:00pm
CATEGORIES: Department Events

COLISTO Guest Speaker Series Event Fall 2021

We are excited to announce the first event of the semester! We are going to have an “alumni presentation series” each semester, and the Fall 2021 semester presentation will be on Friday, October 22nd at 1 pm. Our first guest speaker is Dr. Hyunwoo Kim, the lecturer at Seoul National University. Please sign up by Friday noon to receive the Zoom link to the … Continue reading COLISTO Guest Speaker Series Event Fall 2021

October 22, 2021, 1:00pm | Zoom 
CATEGORIES: Department Events

Graduation Bootcamp for Graduate Students

We are planning to hold our annual Graduation Bootcamp meeting on Wednesday, November 3, 2021 from 1:00-2:00pm to go over the graduation process, paperwork, deadlines, etc. for anyone planning to graduate in the 2021-22 academic year (Fall 2021, Spring 2022, and Summer 2022).

November 3, 2021, 1:00-2:00pm | Webex virtual meeting