Angela Hakim

Angela Hakim

  • Lecturer



437 Ross Hall
513 Farm House Ln
Ames IA


Courses I teach:

  • ENGL 1500
  • ENGL 1010B
  • ENGL 1010C
  • ENGL 3140
  • ENGL 3220

Research areas: 

English for Academic Purposes (EAP); writing instructors’ pedagogical knowledge, practices, and professional development; models of academic literacy provision in higher education; genre-based writing instruction; English Medium Instruction (EMI)



Doctor of Philosophy (Applied Linguistics and Writing Studies) Centre for Language, Discourse and Communication, School of Education, Communication, and Society, King’s College London, London, U.K. (June 2023)

Master of Arts (Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching) King’s College London, London, U.K. (2020)

Master of Education (English Language Teaching and TESOL) University of Missouri, St. Louis, MO (2011)

Bachelor of Arts (Political Science and Russian Language) Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK (2007)


Applied Linguistics

Selected Publications

  • Hakim, A. & Wingate, U. (2024). Collaborative approaches to embedding academic literacy instruction in the curriculum: Examples from U.K. universities, Studies in Higher Education. 10.1080/03075079.2024.2397695
  • Hakim, A., Xu, W., Fedewa, K., Lo, W. H., Kessler, M., & Tardy, C. M. (2024). Researching genre knowledge across languages and contexts. Language Teaching 1–5.  
  • Hakim, A. (2023). Genre-related episodes: A tutorial for L2 writing teachers. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 2(3), 100071.
  • Hakim, A. (2023). EAP practitioner formation in a low-resource EMI context: Developing an in-house EAP continuing professional development programme in Lebanon. International Journal of English for Academic Purposes: Research and Practice, 3(2).
  • Hakim, A. (2023). Genre-related episodes as a lens on students’ emerging genre knowledge: Implications for genre-based writing pedagogy, collaborative tasks, and learning materials. Journal of Second Language Writing, 60(1).
  • Hakim, A. (2023). Subject lecturers’, EAP tutors’, and students’ perspectives on the implementation of university-wide academic literacy support in an EMI context. Journal of Academic Language and Learning. 17(1), 19-39. Retrieved from
  • Wingate, U. & Hakim, A. (2022). Moving beyond ‘infancy’: towards a cross-fertilization between EMI and EAP scholarship. ELT Journal, 76(4), 529-537.