K-12 Endorsement Frequently Asked Questions

The ESL endorsement is at least 18 hours of specified coursework in areas related to the teaching of English as a second language in addition to meeting the other requirements for basic education and professional educational courses. Iowa State University requires 21 credit hours in ESL.

To add the endorsement, students must earn credits in the following courses. With prior approval from the ESL Endorsement Coordinator, relevant special topics courses or experimental courses may be substituted. Some courses have prerequisites.

  • English/Linguistics 2190: Introduction to Linguistics
  • English/Linguistics 2200: Descriptive English Grammar
  • English/Linguistics 4250: Second Language Learning and Teaching
  • English/Linguistics 3220: Language and Society OR Curriculum and Instruction 4200/5200: Bilingualism, Bilingual Education, and US Mexican Youth
  • English/Linguistics 3180: Methods and Materials in ESL AND English/Linguistics 3240*: Introduction to Teaching ESL Literacy
  • OR English/Linguistics 3240*: Introduction to Teaching ESL Literacy AND English/Linguistics 3250: Teaching oral communication skills to ESL learners
  • Practicum courses taken through the School of Education at ISU: CI 2800S CI 4800S

NOTE: If you are considering doing an ESL endorsement, please contact the ESL Endorsement Coordinator, Samantha Robinson-Adams, to discuss the timeline of your program. Please contact Jaime Boeckman regarding the CI practicum courses.

These acronyms can be confusing. Here are their typical meanings:

  • ESL= English as a Second Language
  • ELL=English Language Learner
  • EFL= English as a Foreign Language
  • TESL=Teaching English as a Second Language
  • TEFL=Teaching English as a Foreign Language
  • TESOL= Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (The name of the international professional organization for teachers. While ESL/TESL often get used in the United States, EFL/TEFL are more frequently used in overseas, e.g. She teaches ESL in Des Moines vs. She teaches EFL in Romania).

No. We treat ESL as an add-on endorsement, which means that students add the ESL endorsement to certification. They may have certification at either the elementary or the secondary level and certification at the secondary level may be in any number of areas.

Many states enthusiastically accept Iowa’s certification; in fact, other states often come to campus to recruit our teachers for their schools. Still, it’s best to check with the school system where you are considering employment.

The demand for ESL teachers in Iowa is greater than the supply. ESL has been on the shortage list for several years now, and opportunities in ESL are likely to grow.

Only if you want to teach in public schools upon your return. Overseas, better jobs usually require a major in English, an ESL certificate, or a Master’s degree in TESL. A Master’s degree is typically 30-36 hours, depending upon the background of the student. Undergraduate students at Iowa State University can also do the TESL minor.

Though we highly recommend studying a foreign language, this is not a current requirement.

Yes. However, if you do not feel comfortable teaching students of a certain age, you should not accept a job in that area. Note, though, that you will need to complete a practicum with students outside of your normal grade preference.

Classes are listed and updated two to three times yearly on our web site. You can check on class listings on the ISU web site under the class schedule listing.

You will participate in two practicum placements during your training. The first is a one-credit practicum (CI 2800S) and the second is a more in-depth, supervised practicum (CI 4800S), during which you will be observed and evaluated as you teach at least two lessons. Both these courses will typically be completed prior to your major student-teaching experience. Because the ESL endorsement is a K-12 endorsement, the state requires you to do some of your practicum experience at grade levels different from your main teaching area. See the requirements for more information or contact Jaime Boeckman.

Yes. ISU has a large number of international students on campus and many of them still need assistance and/or conversational practice in English. There is a “Coffee, Tea, and English” program offered through the International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO: see programs at http://www.isso.iastate.edu) that students can attend.  Outside of ISU but within Ames, there are various church-run programs that welcome volunteers, and the Ames Public Library hosts conversation sessions for ESL speakers.

If you have not had any coursework in linguistics, begin with English 2190 (Introduction to Linguistics) or English 5110 (Introduction to Linguistic Analysis for graduate students). Another basic course, English 2200 (Descriptive English Grammar) can be taken simultaneously. Completing these two courses prepares you for the more applied courses that follow and puts you 1/4 of the way toward completion of your ESL endorsement.

This depends on whether you take courses as a full time undergraduate, graduate or a part-time non-degree student. Visit the Iowa State Registrar’s Office for details.

The next four questions apply to those who already have a Bachelor’s degree:

Since everyone’s transcript is different, it is impossible to answer this question. You would need to talk with advisors in the teaching area that you are interested in pursuing.

ISU offers both programs and they can be done simultaneously. Because of the overlap in the programs, it is often possible to do a Master’s degree and an ESL endorsement without taking at least two additional courses. If a student is not currently certified to teach in the state of Iowa, other additional courses will be necessary for initial teaching certification.

Visit the TESL/AL website. If you have additional questions about the ESL endorsement, email Samantha Robinson-Adams.

No. It is not currently possible to do the K-12 ESL endorsement or an MA without coming to campus.