Ubed Amrullah

  • Graduate Student




527 Farm House Ln
Ames IA


Ahmad Zubaidi Amrullah, also known as Ubed, is an MA student in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)/Applied Linguistics at Iowa State University sponsored by the Indonesia Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA). He earned his bachelor’s degree in English education from Universitas Islam Lamongan, Indonesia in 2015. Ubed has been an English teacher at MAN 2 Gresik for several years. In 2018, he was awarded the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) at the University of Georgia. Beyond teaching, Ubed has played an active role in facilitating teacher professional development and the Indonesian Madrasah Competence Assessment (AKMI) program as part of the Madrasah Education Quality Reforms (MEQR) project under the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs. His experiences both as an educator and a facilitator in Indonesia has inspired his interest in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL).