Nicole Salo

Nicole Salo (FKA Allaire)

  • Associate Teaching Professor



527 Farm House Ln
Ames IA


Courses I am teaching:

SPCM 2120 – Fundamentals of Public Speaking
SPCM 3120 – Business and Professional Speaking
SPCM 3230 – Gender Communication

Research areas:

Interpersonal communication, public speaking, gender communication and social media.

About my teaching:

My teaching philosophy centers on creating a safe, warm, and welcoming atmosphere where students can challenge themselves, enhance their public speaking skills and be creative. I strive to create a positive, fun, and exciting learning environment.

How I came to teach what I teach:

While in college, my Speech Communication TA asked me to be her Undergraduate TA because she felt I was called to teach speech. After helping teach a speech class, I discovered that teaching interpersonal communication and public speaking are truly passions of mine. I have taught at the college level for over 16 years.

Current research:

Chen, S. S., Allaire, N, & Chen, Z. J (2018). Constructing Narratives in Response to Trump’s Election: How Various Populations Make Sense of an Unexpected Victory. Lexington Books, I am currently co-editing and co-writing a chapter in Building Sexual Misconduct Cases Against Powerful Men with Sarina Chen and Joyce Chen to be published in Spring 2019.

I also chaired a presentation at the Iowa Communication Association (ICA) and will chair the State of Iowa Showcase presentation for this research in April, 2019.

Outside of the university…

I have two amazing sons, Austin and Evan, as well as two dogs (Tibby and Janey). I am a huge ISU, U of MN, and Baylor fan. Weekend getaways, drives to Texas, and trips overseas are my favorites. I also enjoy visiting my parents in Minnesota and Florida. My creative outlets include writing, making jewelry, interior design, and fashion. I believe in life-long learning, self-improvement and the development of healthy relationships.


MA in Communication Studies - University of Northern Iowa Graduate College - Speech Communication Education

MEd in Adult Education - University of Minnesota College of Education – Educational Psychology Emphasis

BA in Speech Communication - University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts

Selected Publications

  • (Published w/former last name - Allaire) Chen, S.S., & Allaire, N. (Eds.). (2022). Discordant Pandemic Narratives in the US, Lanham, MD. Lexington Books
  • Chen, S. S., Chen, Z. J. & Allaire, N. (Eds.). (2020). Legal and Ethical Issues in Livestreaming. Lanham, MD. Lexington Books
  • Allaire, N. (2019, Jan 23). “Have you caught a catfish? Online dating can be deceptive.” The Conversation.
  • Chen, S. S., Chen, Z. J. & Allaire, N. (Eds.). (2018). Sexual Misconduct Against Powerful Men. Lanham, MD. Lexington Books
  • Chen, S. S., Allaire, N. & Chen, Z. J. (Eds.). (2018). Constructing Narratives in Response to Trump’s Election: How Various Populations Make Sense of an Unexpected Victory. Lanham, MD. Lexington Books