2014 MFA Alum Lindsay Tigue
MFA Alum, Lindsay Tigue receives the 2015 Iowa Poetry Prize for her poetry collection, System of Ghosts, forthcoming from University of Iowa Press in 2016.

Lindsay Tigue is the author of System of Ghosts, winner of the 2015 Iowa Poetry Prize and forthcoming from the University of Iowa Press in April 2016. She writes poetry and fiction and her work appears in Prairie Schooner, Blackbird, Rattle, diode, and Hayden’s Ferry Review, among other journals. She was a Tennessee Williams Scholar at the Sewanee Writers’ Conference and has received a James Merrill fellowship from the Vermont Studio Center. She is a 2014 graduate of the M.F.A. program in Creative Writing and Environment at Iowa State University and is a current Ph.D. student in Creative Writing at the University of Georgia. For the 2015 to 2016 academic year, she will serve as assistant to the editors at the Georgia Review. She is originally from Michigan and now lives in Athens, Georgia.
Final Judge’s Comments:
“Tigue is wary of knowledge, of what it gets used to justify: ‘I always question/ the most rigid convictions,’ she writes. What Tigue seeks in all this minutiae, these forgotten facts, is what everyone wants, what everyone’s afraid [of not finding]: recognition, company, balm for an aloneness that starts at the edge of one’s skull. It’s why ‘I wake you at night,’ and it’s why you’ll read this book again and again.”
–Poetry Series Judge, Craig Morgan Teicher