English 2500 Honors Sections
English 2500H sections are offered each fall semester for students who have been admitted to the University Honors Program. These sections offer Honors students an intensive communication experience while maintaining a focus on the university’s WOVE (written, oral, visual, and electronic) curriculum. Students come to know one another and work together in this course as part of their core academic experience in Honors.
For more information, please go to the University Honors Program website.
Learning community linked sections
Learning community linked English sections are sections of English 1500, 2500, 3020, 3090, 3120, or 3140 reserved for an Iowa State University learning community. Learning community linked sections have the same learning outcomes and types of assignments as non-linked sections, but follow an adapted curriculum that also connects to the learning outcomes of its learning community.
Students who are interested in becoming a member of (or simply learning more about) an Iowa State University learning community are to contact their academic advisor during their orientation advising session.
For more information, please go to the Learning Communities website.