Author: lskramer

CATEGORIES: Foundation Courses

Get to Know Natalie Meyer: Advocate for Students and the English Department

In 2003, Natalie Meyer’s journey in Iowa State’s English Department began in her undergraduate career as an English major. She continued her education, earning a Master’s degree in Literature in 2008, after which she remained at the university and transitioned into her role as a lecturer. Today, she is involved at Iowa State as an … Continue reading Get to Know Natalie Meyer: Advocate for Students and the English Department

CATEGORIES: Foundation Courses

New TA Q&A

                    TJ Benson, MFA, CWE Ellis Deputy, MA, ENGL What do you wish your students knew about you?  TJ: That I learn from them as well. Ellis: I try to tell my students this, but I hope they know that I’m on their team and want … Continue reading New TA Q&A

CATEGORIES: Foundation Courses

Up Next in ENGL 250

For the first unit of ENGL 250, Rhetorical Analysis, Shaya Kraut has composed a lesson plan meant to build skills and tactics for students as they learn to recognize rhetorical strategies in materials such as biographies, magazine articles, and TED Talks. The lesson plan works to address the goals of ENGL 250, which include: “to … Continue reading Up Next in ENGL 250

CATEGORIES: Foundation Courses

Up Next in ENGL 150

What is the Purpose of a University? As a reflective activity for the first unit of ENGL 150, Cornell Brellenthin has composed a lesson plan that asks students to consider the purpose of universities. This think-group-share activity taps into the four C’s of a good lesson plan: critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication.  Not only … Continue reading Up Next in ENGL 150

CATEGORIES: Foundation Courses

Director’s Letter

Dear all, One of my priorities as I start my five-year term as Director of ISUComm Foundation Courses is to ensure that our curriculum is what I’m calling AI-aware. You will hear more in the coming months about how you can get involved in our curriculum redesign efforts. For now, we have some exciting opportunities … Continue reading Director’s Letter