Author: lskramer

CATEGORIES: Foundation Courses

Director’s Letter

Dear all, Welcome to a new semester! Over the summer, the ISUComm Foundation Courses team made some changes. If you are teaching face-to-face, your Canvas shell looks different. The concept of invitation informed our revision process. If we think of the Canvas shell as an invitation to teaching and learning in our courses, what does … Continue reading Director’s Letter

CATEGORIES: Foundation Courses


Geneva Toland, MFA, CWE & Wren Bouwman, PhD, ALT                         What do you wish your students knew about you? Wren: I actually really love when they ask me questions about Iowa State or for help navigating student life. Geneva: I am trained as an … Continue reading NEW TA Q&A

CATEGORIES: Foundation Courses


Based on feedback from the instructor and student surveys conducted at the end of last semester, the ISUComm Foundation Courses team has made some changes to the structure of ENGL 150/ENGL 250 face-to-face courses: Streamlining the face-to-face Canvas shells for ENGL 150 and 250. The shells include the syllabus, major assignment descriptions with due dates, … Continue reading CHANGES TO ENGL 150 AND ENGL 250 FACE-TO-FACE COURSE SHELLS

CATEGORIES: Foundation Courses

ENGL 250 – Rhetorical Analysis

To introduce the rhetorical analysis assignment, Lesley Bartlett recommends a learning activity that helps students understand “everything’s an argument.” The activity also aims to help students see they already read rhetorically in their everyday lives, and the rhetorical analysis unit builds on those skills. After ENGL 250 students have read the first chapter of Everything’s … Continue reading ENGL 250 – Rhetorical Analysis

CATEGORIES: Foundation Courses

Instructor Spotlight: Amy Walton Teaches and Learns Through the Process

The assistant director of ISUComm Foundation courses and an associate teaching professor, Amy Walton’s career in education has taken many different forms since her undergraduate years. Walton graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English and French Education from the University of Northern Iowa, where she discovered an interest in linguistics and rhetoric alongside literary … Continue reading Instructor Spotlight: Amy Walton Teaches and Learns Through the Process

The Department of English recognizes graduate student excellence in research

Congratulations to the following graduate students! Recipients of the Graduate College Research Excellence Awards (REA) by the Graduate Studies Committee for Summer 2023 Research Excellence Awards Summer 2023  Fatemeh Bordbarjavidi      ALT      Bethany Gray, Major Professor Colin Payton                      RPC      Jo Mackiewicz, Major Professor Agustinus Hardi … Continue reading The Department of English recognizes graduate student excellence in research