POS Manual Home
Chapter 1 – General Information Chapter 2 – Master of Arts Programs Chapter 3 – Master of Fine Arts Programs Chapter 4 – Doctoral Programs Chapter 5 – Concurrent Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programs Chapter 6 – Certificate Programs

1.4.1 Progress to Degree Checklists

The Progress to Degree Checklists are designed to help you navigate your progress to degree by providing a chronological framework that, semester by semester, lists significant milestones, forms, and ideas to consider as you fulfill Program of Study (POS) requirements and begin your professionalization.

1.4.2 Degree Planning Sheets (DPS)

The Degree Planning Sheet (DPS) will help you plan and document how you will meet your program of study requirements by listing the courses you have taken, are taking, and will take. You will work on this form with the faculty member who will be your major professor. All graduate students are required to complete a Degree Planning Sheet and other appropriate POS related forms by the announced semester deadline (typically in the 6th week of the semester). These must be submitted electronically to the Graduate Program Office (englgrad@iastate.edu) at the same time as submitting for approval in Workday the Graduate College required Graduate Committee Membership and Academic Plan.

The deadlines are listed below and exact dates each semester are posted on our Graduate Program’s Deadlines website.

  • 2nd semester of coursework for MA program students
  • 4th semester of coursework for MFA program students
  • 5th semester of coursework for PhD program students

1.4.3 Satisfactory academic progress

Satisfactory progress toward your degree is defined by the following conditions:

  • you are not on academic probation with a GPA of 3.0 or below
  • you have no more than 6 credits of I (Incomplete) excluding ENGL 5990 or 6990 credits
  • you have completed the Graduate College English Language Requirement if applicable
  • you have filed appropriate forms (e.g., DPS, the POSC Form) by the required time
  • you have taken and passed any required examinations (e.g., the PhD portfolio assessment) by the required semester

1.4.4 Time-to-degree limits

The Graduate College time-to-degree limit for all graduate students, both master’s and PhD, is seven years. In the English Department, an MA student is expected to complete the program within two years, an MFA student within three years, and a PhD student with a master’s degree within five years (without the master’s degree within seven years). Extending the seven-year time limit will only be considered in the event of rare circumstances involving medical or other extenuating situations and are dealt with individually by the DOGE, the student’s POS committee, and the Graduate College.
