Category: Department News

The Department of English recognizes graduate student excellence in research

Congratulations to the following graduate students! Recipients of the Graduate College Research Excellence Awards (REA) by the Graduate Studies Committee for Summer 2023 Research Excellence Awards Summer 2023  Fatemeh Bordbarjavidi      ALT      Bethany Gray, Major Professor Colin Payton                      RPC      Jo Mackiewicz, Major Professor Agustinus Hardi … Continue reading The Department of English recognizes graduate student excellence in research

CATEGORIES: Department News

Elena Cotos is working on sustainable OER and AI-based infrastructure for research writing

Elena Cotos, director, Center for Communication Excellence and associate dean for professional development, Graduate College, Iowa State University, was awarded a grant to develop Sustainable OER and AI-Based Infrastructure for Research Writing, Hers was one of four affordable course materials proposals to receive first-round funding. The projects build sustainable infrastructure to support and develop open … Continue reading Elena Cotos is working on sustainable OER and AI-based infrastructure for research writing

CATEGORIES: Department News

Global Classroom OPEN! English faculty will teach thousands of English language teachers worldwide in this year’s Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

English faculty will teach thousands of English language teachers across the globe how to integrate technology in their classrooms in this year’s Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). We are pleased to announce that the MOOC Using Educational Technology in the English Language Classroom (, developed and delivered by a team in the English Department at … Continue reading Global Classroom OPEN! English faculty will teach thousands of English language teachers worldwide in this year’s Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

Congratulations to the 2023 Department of English LAS Award Winners

Congratulations and thank you for all of your hard work! Lesley Bartlett – LAS Award for Early Achievement in Teaching. This award recognizes faculty members who have demonstrated outstanding teaching performance unusually early in their professional careers. Tina Coffelt – LAS International Service Award. This award recognizes ISU faculty for outstanding international service, in terms of teaching, … Continue reading Congratulations to the 2023 Department of English LAS Award Winners

Department of English graduate students recognized for their outstanding service

The Outstanding Service by a Graduate Student Award recognizes the contributions of students who show a pattern of service throughout their degree programs at Iowa State University. Service may include (but is not limited to) activities such as volunteering to assist in events/conferences, serving on department and university committees, administering student groups/clubs, participating in student … Continue reading Department of English graduate students recognized for their outstanding service

The Department of English recognizes graduate student excellence in teaching and research

Congratulations to the following graduate students!   Recipients of the Graduate College Research Excellence Awards (REA) and/or Teaching Excellence Awards (TEA) by the Graduate Studies Committee for Spring 2023   Research Excellence Awards Spring 2023  Bejamin DuBow     CWE         K. L. Cook, Major Prof Zoë Fay-Stindt      CWE      Debra Marquart, Major Prof Kristin Terrill         ALT          Elena Cotos, Major Prof   … Continue reading The Department of English recognizes graduate student excellence in teaching and research

CATEGORIES: Department News

Undergraduate researchers shine this spring

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences’ labs and classrooms were abuzz this spring as faculty-sponsored research projects were implemented by the latest recipients of the LAS Dean’s High Impact Award for Undergraduate Research. Twenty undergraduate students from across LAS were selected to participate in this semester’s cohort. Following is a look at some of the groundbreaking … Continue reading Undergraduate researchers shine this spring