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Debra Marquart presents at SheTalks — Women Who Create

Author: lskramer

Following the Women Who Create Conference, a community cocktail reception will kick-off showcasing six SheTalks presentations.  What’s a SheTalk?  Taken from the Japanese inspired PechaKucha, it is a presentation style where each presenter shows 20 slides, each for 20 seconds.  All of the six stories are told by women who create in all types of facets.  Debra Marquart will address how it’s possible to construct a new life, a more durable life, out of ashes.

The event is hosted by the ISU Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship and sponsored by the ISU Debbie & Jerry Ivy College of Business.

When: Thursday, October 24 at 4:30-6:30 pm

Where: ISU Economic Development Core Facility, 1805 Collaboration Place, Ames, Iowa