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Anne Kretsinger-Harries, Katie Fulton, and Claire Kruesel earn QM Certification for Speech Communication 212

Author: lskramer

Quality Matters (QM) is a national, faculty-centered, peer-review process for assessing and improving the quality of online courses.  QM-certified courses have strong learning outcomes, a navigable online environment, a clear plan for instructor presence and communication, and effective alignment of course goals, assignments, and instructional materials.  Speech Communication 212 (Fundamentals of Public Speaking) received a score of 100%, indicating that the course met all QM standards.  This certification was led by Anne Kretsinger-Harries, Katie Fulton, and Claire Kruesel, with assistance from the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching and Engineering Online – LAS Online.  For more information on QM, please see the following page on CELT’s website:  This is the third course in the Department of English to have earned this certification.