Lunch and Learn — English 150 – ChatGPT explorations

CATEGORIES: Department Events
October 4, 2023, 11:30am-1:00pm | Ross 212

We would love to invite you to a lunch & learn gathering in Ross 212 this coming Wednesday at 11:30.  After a light lunch, three of our graduate students will be presenting on the topic of ChatGPT and writing.  In particular, Jorge, Altay and Ali were interested in exploring possible ChatGPT connections to teaching English 150 and English 250.  Since the start of the fall semester, they have been exploring ChatGPT 3.5 and 4.0 and they are ready to share their insights with the department.

Their presentations will touch on different ways in which ChatGPT might be utilized as part of the first two writing assignments in English 150, the personal narrative and the profile assignment. So, if you are interested in AI and ChatGPT and would like to hear what Jorge, Ali, and Altay have been up to these first six weeks of the semester, please join.  We would love to see to.

English 150 – ChatGPT explorations

Presenters: Jorge Ambacher, Altay Ozkul, Ali Ebrahimpourlighvani

Time: 11:30 – 1:00

Lunch sandwiches at 11:30, followed by three brief presentations at noon.

Location: Ross 212