Connor White




Born in a log cabin built with his own tiny hands, Connor White was raised in the deep-fried, sweltering suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia. After a childhood’s worth of napping by creek beds and nosing around neighbors’ yards, he attended Georgia Southern University, and although he received his Bachelor’s in Multimedia Communications (namely out of laziness to swap majors halfway through undergrad), it was out in that little town swamped by cotton fields he learned to write, and that he loved to write. His work explores the wisdom of children and elders, blurred cultural and geographic boundaries, idiosyncrasies and peculiarities, and the conflict versus nature and the self rather than versus one another. He enjoys the history, linguistics, and musical traditions of other cultures and peoples, and draws inspiration from them for his work when he can, respectfully and enthusiastically. Who needs the Kardashians when you have the Habsburgs, rulers of Europe and just as self-destructive?