Author: lskramer

CATEGORIES: ALT, Department News

Andrea Flinn was recently awarded a Critical Language Scholarship

Andrea Flinn, PhD student in the Applied Linguistics and Technology program, was recently awarded a Critical Language Scholarship to study Arabic in Meknes, Morocco.  Because world events will prevent international travel this summer, she will instead be studying stateside at Middlebury College, where she’s earning her Master’s in Teaching Arabic to Speakers of Other Languages. … Continue reading Andrea Flinn was recently awarded a Critical Language Scholarship

CATEGORIES: Department News, TESL

Roz Hirch — 2020 Departmental Research Grant Award Winner

Roz Hirch won the 2020 Departmental Research Grant Award Winner for her project “What are Students Thinking?: Development of a Diagnostic English Grammar Test for Use in an ESL Classroom” At a time when everyone seems to be developing speaking and writing tests, what place is there for a grammar test? While considerable attention in recent … Continue reading Roz Hirch — 2020 Departmental Research Grant Award Winner

Brown Bag Colloquium

The Brown Bag Colloquium will be on this Friday, March 13th, from 12:00 – 1:00 PM in Ross Hall, Rm. 212. The presenters this week will be Dr. Chapelle and Dr. Ockey. They will be providing presentations for Language Assessment Research Conference (LARC 2020) on March 25th.   Attached are PDFs with each abstract. Please come … Continue reading Brown Bag Colloquium

March 13, 2020, 12:00-1:00pm | Ross 212
CATEGORIES: Department Events

Cancelled — Signing Black in America

Signing Black in America highlights the history and development of Black American Sign Language, a vibrant dialect that today conveys and identity and sense of belonging that mirrors spoken language varieties of the African American hearing community. With Dr. Joseph Hill and Dr. Ceil Lucas.

April 13, 2020, 7:00-8:30pm | Curtiss 127

Krista Klocke interviewed by the American Society for the History of Rhetoric

Krista Klocke was interviewed by the American Society for the History of Rhetoric on her Outstanding Student Paper, “Sacred Kairos and Secular Chronos: Angelina Grimke’s Negotiation of the Temporal and Eternal in the ‘Pennsylvania Hall Address.’” She argues that understanding lessons from the history of rhetoric and applying them to current events, such as to … Continue reading Krista Klocke interviewed by the American Society for the History of Rhetoric

CATEGORIES: Department Events

Cancelled — Grad Connections — Navigating the Dissertation/Thesis Process

This session is intended for those in the pre-dissertation/thesis stages of their academic careers. Many students find initial stages of the dissertation/thesis process overwhelming. This session will cover everything from forming a committee to understanding timelines. Come join faculty members and current graduate students in the late stages of their dissertation/thesis journeys for an informative … Continue reading Cancelled — Grad Connections — Navigating the Dissertation/Thesis Process

April 13, 2020, 1:00-2:00pm | Ross 212