Category: Department Events

CATEGORIES: Department Events

RPC Meeting

Focus on new Graduate Student visits and recruiting materials, Target of Opportunity.

February 28, 2020, 1:10pm | Ross 131
CATEGORIES: Department Events

RPC Meeting

Discussion of Opportunity Hire, New Class on Writing Centers, Outside Review and Continuing discussion about Direction of the RPC area and program.

January 31, 2020, 1:10pm | Ross 131
CATEGORIES: Department Events

Goldtrap Lecture Series presents Chad Edwards — Human-Machine Communication in the Educational Environment

Human-Machine Communication in the Educational Environment In this lecture, Chad Edwards will be discussing the role of human-machine communication (HMC) in an educational setting. He will be addressing such questions as How can AI and social robots be used in the classroom setting? What has research demonstrated regarding the possibility of robot teaching assistants?, and … Continue reading Goldtrap Lecture Series presents Chad Edwards — Human-Machine Communication in the Educational Environment

February 6, 2020, 7:00pm | Pioneer Room, Memorial Union

January Emerging Writers Reader Series

Join us at Design on Main next week to hear the wondrous creative work of four of our MFA students: Crystal Stone, Mike Robbins, Alana Jones, and Natalie Deam. Festivities will begin at 7:00pm on January 16 and, as always, snacks and refreshments will be provided (to which you are always welcome to contribute). And, … Continue reading January Emerging Writers Reader Series

January 16, 2020, 7:00pm | Design on Main
CATEGORIES: Department Events

Inclusive Classroom Workshop

The Inclusive Classroom Workshop is required for all faculty members, Feb 19th 1-2pm.  It will be held in Curtiss 127 This program will provide an opportunity for our community to dialogue about teaching inclusively at Iowa State University. These conversations intend to help build a stronger teaching community, create collaborative partnerships, and develop effective teaching … Continue reading Inclusive Classroom Workshop

February 19, 2020, 1:00-2:00pm
CATEGORIES: ALT, Department Events

ENGL 510, Intro to Computers in Applied Linguistics, end-of-semester showcase

The students of ENGL 510, Intro to Computers in Applied Linguistics, cordially invite you to an end-of-semester showcase of the projects they have developed while learning how to code in Scratch. Scratch is a visual programming language developed at MIT’s Media Lab to teach essential computer programming concepts and skills. This fall’s ENGL 510 group has … Continue reading ENGL 510, Intro to Computers in Applied Linguistics, end-of-semester showcase

December 16, 2019, 12:00-1:30pm | Ross 212
CATEGORIES: Department Events

Rhetorical Fashion Show

Hi all, and happy nigh-end of semester! My English 150 Apparel/Design LLC classes are putting on a “Rhetorical Fashion Show” this Thursday, the 12th in Ross 212, at both 9:45-10:30 and 2:30-3:30. Using rhetorical analysis and texts from the semester, they assumed the role of fashion designers and assembled outfits for fictional characters in funky … Continue reading Rhetorical Fashion Show