Author: lskramer

CATEGORIES: Department News

Tina Coffelt Was Awarded a US Department of State Grant

Congratulations! The Embassy of the United States of America in Uzbekistan and the American Councils for International Education have awarded her proposal Enhancing the Reputation of Research in Uzbekistan through Professional Development funding of $40,000. This program is to be implemented between November 2020 and June 2021.  Jacek Koziel, Professor in Agricultural Biosystems and Engineering, is a … Continue reading Tina Coffelt Was Awarded a US Department of State Grant

CATEGORIES: ALT, Department Events

TESL/ALT Brown Bag Colloquium Series

Come one, come all! We’ve had many great presentations this semester and this week we’re capping things off with 2 members of our own Brown Bag Committee presenting some of their dissertation research this Friday, Nov. 13 at noon! Kimberley Becker will present some of her pilot-study research on the types and features of writing that graduate students … Continue reading TESL/ALT Brown Bag Colloquium Series

November 13, 2020, 12:00-1:00pm | Online via WebEx
CATEGORIES: ALT, Department Events

TESL/ALT Brown Bag Colloquium Series

Sondoss Elnegahy Rating Duration as a Factor in Rating Accuracy in Second Language Oral Assessment: A Proposed Study Hardi Prasetyo Designing a Scenario-based Language Assessment Test for Indonesian Teachers of English as a Foreign Language

October 23, 2020, 12:00-1:00pm | Online via WebEx
CATEGORIES: ALT, Department Events

TESL/ALT Brown Bag Colloquium Series

  Taichi Yamashita Exploring Instructed SLA in Pair Work: Actor-Partner Interdependence Model Denise Coberley Corpus Analysis of Soil Health Conservation Language in Extension Publications: A Corpus Approach to Framing

September 25, 2020, 12:00-1:00pm | Online via WebEx

Research Excellence Award (REA) and Teaching Excellence Award (TEA) Recipients for 2020

Recipients of the Graduate College Research Excellence Award (REA) and/or Teaching Excellence Award (TEA) by the Graduate Studies Committee, Summer 2020 Research Excellence Award Zara Chowdhary                      MFA—Creative Writing and the Environment, Kenneth Cook, Major Professor; Title of Thesis/Dissertation: The Lucky Ones: A Genocide Forgotten, a Childhood Remembered The students receive a … Continue reading Research Excellence Award (REA) and Teaching Excellence Award (TEA) Recipients for 2020