Author: lskramer

CATEGORIES: Department Events

Quentin Johnson Linguistics Lecture: Professor Emeritus Tracey Derwing

Professor Emeritus Tracey Derwing will give the annual Quentin Johnson Linguistics Lecture on Tuesday, April 16, 2019.  Her title and abstract are below. She will also give a talk on Tuesday afternoon in the department (title to be announced). Please put this on your schedule. Location to be announced. Accent-Schmaccent: What Really Matters to Understanding … Continue reading Quentin Johnson Linguistics Lecture: Professor Emeritus Tracey Derwing

April 16, 2019, 12:00pm | 212 Ross Hall
CATEGORIES: Department News

Assistant Professor Prashant Rajan Presents at MIT Innovation Lab Workshop

Assistant Professor Prashant Rajan presented at MIT’s Innovation Lab Workshop on December 4, 2018. His presentation titled “Making when ends don’t meet: Why product innovation by households living on the margins matters”, focused on the need for corporations and governments to facilitate collaboration between users in low-income communities during innovation development. Prashant explained how collaborative innovation … Continue reading Assistant Professor Prashant Rajan Presents at MIT Innovation Lab Workshop

Second Year MFA Student Crystal Stone, her publications & Tedx Talk

Second year MFA student, Crystal Stone, has been busy publishing this year, as well as giving a Tedx talk!  Check out her great work this year at the following links.…/poetry-take-it-from-a-rufous-c……/2/poetry-first-fig-crystal-sto……/8/…/transformation-by-crystal-stone/…/fox-news-remembers-aret…

Keygan Sands Delivers Paper in Czech Republic

Second year MFA student, Keygan Sands, delivered a paper, “Apocalyptic Visions: N. K. Jemisin’s The Stone Sky and the Sociocultural Origins of the Anthropocene” at a conference on Fantasy and Myth in the Anthropocene in October 2018.  The International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts was the sponsoring organization for the conference.

PhD Student in Rhetoric & Professional Communication Wins Best Student Paper

Krista Klocke won best student paper from the American Society for the History of Rhetoric Organization at the National Communication Association conference in Salt Lake City in November.  Krista also presented the paper, titled “Sacred Kairos and Secular Chronos: Angelina Grimke’s Negotiation of the Temporal and Eternal in the ‘Pennsylvania Hall Address,” in the “Virtue, … Continue reading PhD Student in Rhetoric & Professional Communication Wins Best Student Paper

CATEGORIES: Department News

Michelle Tremmel Publishes Two Poems in Iowa Council of Teachers of English

Michelle Tremmel, a Senior Lecturer in the Department of English and Academic Advisor, recently had two teaching poems published in December in the Iowa Council of Teachers of English, “I Never Thought I’d Be a Writing Teacher” and “Reluctant School Reader’s Lament”. Michelle taught middle and high school English in Michigan for 20 years, and … Continue reading Michelle Tremmel Publishes Two Poems in Iowa Council of Teachers of English

CATEGORIES: Department Events

ENGL 510 (Intro to Computers in Applied Linguistics) Technology Showcase

The students in Professor Jim Ranalli’s ENGL 510 Introduction to Computer in Applied Linguistics invite you to a showcase of their culminating projects.  Experience hands-on demonstrations of these unique technological creations, which have been 10 weeks in the making.  This year’s eclectic array of projects include: a speech-recognition based safari park adventure for young L2 … Continue reading ENGL 510 (Intro to Computers in Applied Linguistics) Technology Showcase

December 11, 2018, 12:00-1:30pm | 212 Ross Hall
CATEGORIES: Department Events

Emerging Writers

Fiction: Renee Christopher Poetry: Crystal Stone Non-Fiction: Riley Morsman

February 21, 2019, 7:15pm | Design on Main, Ames
CATEGORIES: Department Events

Emerging Writers

Fiction:  Eric Williams Poetry:  Ana McCracken Non-Fiction:  Brendan Curtain

January 17, 2019, 7:30pm | Design on Main, Ames